Why Sweep ?
There are many reasons that regular, frequent and thorough street sweeping is worth much more than simply aesthetics. Below are a few reasons to justify the relatively minimal expense of street sweeping. They are listed in what should be priority order (one being highest).
This is an intangible that is hard to put a Stay Cleaner:
value on. How do you feel when you A study by the Human Resources Institute found
take a walk in your neighborhood or that "People had little or no objection to
just go to the mail box? Does your street discarding litter in dirty or littered areas" "They also
add to or take away from the enjoyment tended to litter where others are responsible for
of relaxing in the front yard? After cleaning up" "It appears that once litter accumulates
paying top dollar for housing in Nevada, a reduction in civic pride follows" ( as if we needed
how does your street impact the another study to document the obvious )
enjoyment of your investment?
6. Reduces Liability and Injury:
2. Aesthetics, Good Looks and Small objects have been known to cause trips and
General Appearance: falls. Slippery slime, the result of standing water in the
This is many times the first and sometimes gutters, can also be a hazard (even if swept daily) a
only reason people will list. This narrow regular and frequent schedule does show due diligence
view can lead to penny wise, but dollar and can reduce the chance of being charged with
foolish decisions regarding sweeping and negligence. If your kids play ball in the streets, regular
pavement maintenance. sweeping may impact your annual band-aid consumption
by reducing the slips,falls,scraped knees and elbows.
3. Reduces Debris Tracking into ( and don't forget the torn jeans.)
Garages and Homes:
"Bobby, wipe your feet !!!" Sounds familiar? 7. Sanitation:
Sometimes it would be nice to also wipe Think about it, 8 cycles of trash, garbage and rotting
your cars "feet" before tracking the black vegetation in the gutters and corners can be a health
dirt into the garage. Sweeping can be the issue. Kids play in and pick up all sorts of objects!
next best thing to car size door mat. ( In fact, you probably don't want to know the types
Shopping mall operators have long realized of things that we pick up in our sweepers)
the impact that tracked-in dirt has on
reducing the life of carpet & tile. 8. Increased Asphalt Life:
Gravel, landscape rock and sand ground into the street
4. Increased Property Value: by traffic hastens the crumbling or unraveling of the
What impressions do potential buyers have asphalt. A single piece of gravel driven over by a car
when driving thru your community? Is the is pushed into the asphalt thus dislodging another piece of
new paint and beautiful landscaping spoiled gravel. Now there are two pieces for the next car. Then
by the "YUCK" in the gutters? Can four, than eight, and so on. Sweeping can decrease the
potential buyers feel and hear the grit under frequency of expensive resurfacing and very expensive
their tires as they drive through looking for repaving.
a new home?
Regular, Frequent And Thorough Street Sweeping Plays An Important Part
In Maintaining One Of An Association's Major Investments